Apply Now for the VectorByte training workshop on vector abundance and time-dependent data analysis (July 2024)

The VectorByte Initiative is hosting a training workshop from 23-25 July 2024 at the Virginia Tech Research Center in Arlington, VA (in the Washington DC metro area). The 3 day training workshop will introduce the VecDyn database as well as analysis tools for longitudinal species abundance and time dependent data. The workshop will include training in statistical and mathematical methods for utilizing data, with examples focused on dynamic abundance data. A variety of analytical tools and approaches in R will be introduced, with working examples that interface with the VecDyn database.

This workshop is appropriate for participants who have working experience with R and with beginning to intermediate statistical knowledge (e.g., ANOVA, linear models, and hypothesis testing, likelihoods).

Participation will be limited to around 20 early career scientists (primarily graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, and practitioners with relevant experience and interest). Funding is available to support domestic travel, accommodation (including breakfast, and lunches during sessions), and participation costs.

In addition to the application form, applicants must provide

  • a brief statement on why they wish to attend the workshop and

  • provide a letter of support from their immediate supervisor.

Questions? Email us.

We will begin reviewing applications on March 20th, with acceptances sent on a rolling basis (i.e. submitting your application early enhances your likelihood of success).

We aim to have all decisions made and announced by April 15th. 


Tools for digitizing graphs, a review


Understanding VecDyn error flags for re-digitized data